Monday, June 2, 2008

Page Rank and Alexa Rank

Google's PageRank and Alexa Rank help to determine the stats for a certain page or website. The higher your Page Rank and Alexa Rank, the better! PageRank is one of the factors in ranking high for search engine results. It's not everything though. For example, a lower PageRank site may rank better for certain keywords than higher PageRank sites because the lower PageRank site is more relevant to that keyword. However, if all other factors are equal, PageRank will help to pull up your site to higher search engine results.

Download Google Toolbar and see your PageRank now!

Download Alexa Toolbar to see your Alexa Rank now!

How to increase your PageRank: get links! Getting links from high PageRank pages will give a better boost to your website.

Earning Money with High PageRank and Alexa Rank. Advertising sites such as Project Wonderful, and Get-Paid-To-Blog sites such as SocialSpark, PayPerPost, and Blogsvertise look at PageRank and Alexa Rank to determine how much they pay you and which projects you can accept.

Some Things to Know About PageRank and Alexa

PageRank is not everything in terms of SEO. PageRank is not everything in terms of ranking high for your keywords, however, it IS a factor. In an interview with Google's Matt Cutts, he mentioned that it IS one of the important factors. PageRank helps to determine the trust factor.

Alexa Rank is skewed towards webmaster related sites. For example, after doing SEO on my site, my Alexa Rank jumped! However, you should be aware that Alexa gathers their data from people who have the Alexa Toolbar installed, so your sample population may be more from webmasters rather than your average person. Thus, Alexa Rank is skewed towards webmaster sites, however, it still is able to reflect, to a good extent, the statistics of your site.

The importance of PageRank and Alexa. In conclusion, although PageRank and Alexa Rank are not everything, they still play a major role and they add up for a "trust" factor for people looking at your site. Advertisers would be more inclined to put up ads on your site if it has higher PageRank and Alexa, and you can charge more.

Get Google Toolbar to see your PageRank!
Get Alexa Toolbar (Sparky) to see your Alexa Rank!

1 comment:

caerberu said...

Thanks for the long response. Yes, I agree. Alexa is important when dealing with other online businesses who wish to advertise on your site. Higher Alexa and PageRank translates to higher rates for renting adspace on your site.